Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy New Year To Me

Dear God, thank you for this birthday. Another year of life is a wonderful present and this new year is full of possibilities. You've removed the shackles of my illness, and I can now choose to order my next steps in so many ways. I can go there. Or there. I can do this,that. Something new. Something better. Something rewarding. Something helpful. Something HUGE. Something great. Thank you for this day - for this new hunger and appreciation. Thank you for my health. For my recovery. Thank you for staying with me. Thank you for my angels. Thank you for hearing prayers. I feel like this day is more significant than I know, a new chapter for me. I'm looking forward to seeing what's in store now that I'm even more aware of your loving-kindness and mercy.  My new year celebration has come early. No need to wait until Jan. 1. Happy New Year!! My faith leaves me to only expect the best. As always, I'm also asking you to continue to protect my friends and family forever and never stop speaking to my heart. (I will work on listening.)
